Make your MitchMatch today!
Are you a reporter, editor, or producer struggling to find quality sources for your stories every day? Are you tired of digging through leads that don't fit your story, searching for that perfect expert to make your story sing?
Are you a company that wishes you could get your experts included in stories in local newspapers, magazines, wire services, TV or radio?
Mitch’s Media Match (M3) links journalists with sources. We connect PR professionals, companies, non-profits, government and agencies with Atlanta and Georgia-based media.
Connecting reporters, editors and producers who rely on quality sources for news and feature stories.
Connecting organizations whose employees can serve as experts for newspapers, TV, radio, wire services and web-based media.
M3 continually updates our network of sources and media professionals around Metro Atlanta, serving as a unique and reliable resource.
Join us! Click here to get started.
© 2021 Leff & Associates