Frequently Asked Questions
about Searching
How to Search
You can search the Leff’s Atlanta Media database using any combination of four search fields: Reporter Name, Publication, Beat, Type. You must choose at least one field.
Reporter Name: Search this field using first and/or last name of a reporter.
Publication: Search this field using all or part of publication’s name. This field is particularly useful if you’re looking for publications in a specific part of Atlanta. For example, typing “Gwinnett” will get you every media outlet with “Gwinnett” in its title.
Beat: This pulldown menu includes specific areas of specialty, such as features, education, health or sports.
Type: Select from this pulldown menu if you’d like to select a specific type of media (daily print, magazines, non-daily print, television, radio, online, national bureaus, freelancers).
You may search for freelance writers or photographer in three ways: freelancer (any), corporate freelancer, journalist freelancer.
The corporate vs. journalist distinction allows you to find freelancers who write for media outlets vs. freelancers who might write for corporate clients (web sites, internal newsletters, etc.) or photographers who might offer event, headshot or related services.
Journalist freelancer searching:
By name: Search by name by using the “Name” search field.
By publication: Since many journalist freelancers work for a number of publications, a general publication search will not include freelancers your search results. To find journalist freelancers, make the appropriate selection under “Type” and your search results will list each freelancer with their publications.
By beat: You can search for freelancers by beat by choosing a beat and leaving all other fields blank or “Any.”
General Search Suggestions
Remember that the more fields you choose, the narrower your search will be and the fewer results you’ll get.
Spend the time to browse the media outlets in each category. You’ll find media outlets you’ve never seen and new opportunities for your story.
Try to read, watch or listen to a media outlet before you pitch it.
Take the time to research the reporter’s work before the pitch to better match your story with their needs.
Click “Details” to get additional information on a reporter, including address and web site information.
Email Pitching
Clicking on the “Name” in your Search Results will open a blank email.
Don’t blast email large sections of the database all at once. Take the time to customize your pitches for individual reporters.
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