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Leff's Atlanta Media: The most comprehensive database of Atlanta's media community.
The Leff's Atlanta Media service includes all the information you need to effectively deliver information about events, products or important issues to metro Atlanta’s many media outlets.
The LAM directory includes thousands of reporters, editors and producers in television, radio, newspapers, wire services, magazines, Atlanta-based national, ethnic niche publications and online media outlets.
The directory is updated continuously. In addition to media outlets, journalist’s names and contact information, your subscription includes:
Public Relations Guidelines: How to prepare your story pitch, how and when to pitch it, and who to target.
Templates/Samples: Time-savers you can use to generate press releases, media advisories, executive bios and company fact sheets.
Mitch’s Media Musings: Our blog covering the latest news on Atlanta’s media community. The latest news … about the news!
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